Actualidad - NoticIas de la SEAP

European Society of Pathology (ESP)

Os recordamos que la inscripción como socio a la European Society of Pathology (ESP), que es gratis para los residentes, debe realizarse de forma individual en (no se hará de forma colectiva a través de la SEAP, tal como se consideró en su momento, y no se es socio de la ESP por el hecho de ser socio de la SEAP).

Hacerse socio de la ESP da derecho, entre otros, a una cuota de inscripción especial en los congresos de la ESP. En concreto, ya está abierta la inscripción al congreso de Praga (8 a 12 de septiembre de 2012) en (véase también documentación adjunta), cuyo plazo de inscripción reducida termina el próximo 2 de abril, siendo la fecha límite para la recepción de resúmenes el 16 de abril. ¡La ESP y Praga os esperan!

Saludos cordiales

Aurelio Ariza, comité ejecutivo de la ESP
Paco Pérez Ochoa, representante de los residentes en la SEAP-IAP

Dear Madam or Sir,

You can now register online for the 24th European Congress of Pathology in Prague at

Abstract submission is open and the ESP is very much looking forward to your contribution.

The Preliminary Programme will shortly be completed and the brochure can then be downloaded from the website.

Please note that, as for the 23rd ECP in Helsinki last year, Slide Seminars are again included in the congress registration fee and no longer have to be pre-registered for.


Benefit from the early registration fees until 2 April 2012.
Abstract submission is open until 16 April 2012.

Fantastic social events have been lined up by the Local Organising Committee, be sure to secure your ticket when registering for the congress.

There will be an exclusive Congress Opera Performance of Don Giovanni at the Estates Theatre (where W. A. Mozart personally conducted the premiere of Don Giovanni in 1787!) on Monday, 10 September and the Grand Finale of the ECP will take place at St. Agnes Monastery on Wednesday night, 12 September 2012.

We look forward to seeing you in Prague.

Kind regards,

The Organising Team of the
24th European Congress of Pathology


Próximos Eventos
